Healing Your Gut

The Chamomille wonders   💚

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The Healthy Gut  💚

Chamomile has around 9 different Candida fighting chemicals in it, making it powerful against yeast infections.  In addition to Candida, chamomile can be used to treat certain bacterial and viral infections.  
Chamomile had been used to treat stomach cramps, irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion and colic (8). Chamomile tea can treat lumbago, rheumatic problems, and rashes (3)  a cold  or asthma (3).

 There are different chamomile, so make sure you’re using Matricaria chamomilla - German chamomile.

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Chamomile for Yeast Infection

Chamomile is a great choice for an herbal yeast infection remedy.  Chamomille has several antifungal compounds  that deliver a powerful blow to Candida  the yeast that causes yeast infections.  

Using chamomile medicinally is not a new idea. This herb has been used by physicians for thousands of years, to treat a wide variety of health maladies.  

You can use this  herb to quickly and easily get rid of a yeast infection fast!  State that chamomile has a wide variety of medicinal uses.  Apparently, chamomille is excellent at stopping  bacteria, fungi, and viruses. 
Image result for chamomile

The H.pylori Healthy Gut  💚

Chamomile has a soothing effect on inflamed mucous membranes. It is high in the apigenin, which has inhibited growth of H. pylori. 

Chamomile is definitely the most pleasant option for treating all type of fungal infections. 
Chamomile is  especially good for candida overgrowth. 
Many doctors recommend drinking two to three cups of strong chamomile tea each day. Simply drinking a strong cup of chamomile tea and  applying the used tea bags externally to the infection will work wonders!

Also chamomile is very effective against Staphylococcus.  Chamomile's α-bisabolol had the strongest activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. 
Using this herbal remedy is proven to be a good choice.

