Tart Cherry & blood sugar   

tart cherry juice for blood sugar control

 The  Tart Cherry contain chemicals that boost Insulin

Tart cherry juice has been linked to some significant health benefits including helping your body lower blood sugar more effectively after a meal. At least eight health benefits gained from drinking tart cherry juice, and some are directly related to diabetes.
When it comes to nutrition and good health, there’s plenty of sweet news about sour cherries, also commonly known as tart cherries or pie cherries. Not only does this fruit—and its juice—help improve sleep, reduce inflammation, enhance stamina, lower high blood pressure, manage painful symptoms of osteoarthritis and gout, enhance mood, and stave off dementia, tart cherries may also help control symptoms of diabetes.

How it Works

The same phytochemicals, or plant pigments, that give sour cherries their bright red color, also give them anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities that help prevent muscle damage in athletes, fight depression and anxiety, and improve memory and cognition in older adults. Researchers have also found that these phytochemicals, which are known as polyphenols and anthocyanins, and are found in both the flesh and juice of the fruit, can also help enhance glucose metabolism and regulate blood sugar in people with diabetes. Anthocyanins are known to significantly boost insulin production, though it is not yet understood how this happens.

Choosing a Cherry Drink

Fruit and fruit juices can be a tough fit for people with diabetes, but it’s not hard to work tart cherry juice into a diabetic diet. There’s great variance in calories, carbs and sugar among different brands and different concentrations of tart cherry juice, however, so be sure to check and compare brands to find the juice or concentrate that works best in your diet.

 Overall, the variances in nutrition are due to the type of cherries used, the juicing processing involved, and the concentration of tart cherries.
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While there are no official “dose” recommendations, participants in several scientific studies that yielded positive results drank two 8-ounces glasses or bottles of tart cherry juice or cherry juice blended with other juices, a day. Others took 1 tablespoon of concentrated tart cherry extract twice a day (the equivalent of 45 to 60 cherries), or one daily cherry supplement containing 100 mg of anthocyanins.

Benefits were seen in anywhere from 48 hours to a couple of weeks, and appeared to continue long-term, drinking one 8-ounce serving a day for seven days in a row in order to start  feeling the benefits. 
