Zinc  Health  benefits  

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Chicken eggs and yolk
Zinc is an important mineral for the body. Adult should be getting 11 milligrams of Zinc each day, and females need 8 milligrams. Keep in mind that this is cumulative throughout the day, so you shouldn’t try to meet that requirement in one sitting, or with one food. 

Zinc deficiency
Today most people are deficient in zinc. The reason for this is refined sugar, white rice and white flour have been stripped of their zinc.

A deficiency of zinc causes the build up of copper in the tissues as copper is used instead of zinc for enzyme reactions. 

Zinc is needed for the proper immune response. A proper immune response is required to fight off candida and keep it under control.
The vegetarian diet is very high in copper. Nuts, beans, seeds and grains are very high in copper. Meat contains copper, but the ratio of copper to zinc is more balanced. 

Zinc competes for the absorption of copper in the gut, so this will prevent so much copper from being absorbed into the body.

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Drink water
We know we should be drinking 8 glasses of water a day, but When trying to detox from copper it is important to drink even more. The water in our body helps to get the copper mobile and moving through the detox pathways.

Increase copper antagonists
These are minerals that help rebalance copper, excrete copper. The main copper antagonists are manganese, vitamin B, C and E, sulphur, selenium and molybdenum.

Egg Yolks
The yolks of eggs specifically are a good source of Zinc. The whites, not so much, which is why you’re missing out on a lot if you only opt for egg whites. Egg yolks contain all of the vitamins that are in an egg as well, so by eating the yolk you may be getting more fat but you’re also getting Vitamins A, E, D and K, as well as additional amounts of minerals.
Serving Size 100 gr. Zinc (4.93 milligrams)

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Dark Chocolate
As if you needed any additional reasons to eat chocolate, here’s one more. You’re getting quite a bit of Zinc in chocolate, but of course it’s also pretty high in calories so you don’t want to overdo it. There are antioxidants in dark chocolate that you don’t get with milk chocolate, and you end up avoiding a lot of the sugar and added fat if you stick to dark chocolate. 
Serving Size (100 grams) Zinc (9.6 milligrams)

Image result for turkey meat
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Turkey doesn’t show up quite as much as chicken and is typically reserved for sandwiches throughout the year, and in whole form during the holiday. But no matter how you consume it, or how often, it’s going to provide you with a good Zinc dose, without piling on the fat and calories. Opt for roasted turkey breast and avoid the extra sodium and nitrates that cold cuts contain. 
Serving Size (100 grams) Zinc (3.09 milligrams), 

Image result for Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds
Chances are, you’re not eating enough pumpkin seeds. If you save this as an annual October treat, it’s time to start getting them into your system throughout the year. They’re not only remarkably high in Zinc, but they provide other benefits to the body like helping you sleep better at night, giving you a dose of omega-3s, and keeping your blood sugar levels GOOD. 

They may be considered an anti-inflammatory food. 
Serving Size (100 grams) Zinc (7.81 milligrams)

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Lamb often gets overlooked on the meat scene because of its higher fat content, but in some countries around the world it is just as popular as beef. The Zinc it contains is reason enough to start adding it to your menu rotation, and you can opt for cuts of lamb that are a bit leaner than others. Ask your butcher for lean cuts, or simply pick out ones that have less visible fat at the store. 
Serving Size (100 grams) Zinc (8.70 milligrams)

Image result for BEEF LIVER
Beef Liver
Beef liver gets it’s own spot on our list because it is so different than ordinary beef. It ranks higher in several categories than beef does, including having slightly higher levels of Zinc. But it doesn’t stop there. It outdoes beef as well as a many foods typically thought of as being healthy in many things like potassium, magnesium, Vitamin A and Vitamin B-12. It may be harder to find than ordinary beef, but it’s worth seeking out. 
Serving Size (100 grams), Zinc (4.25 milligrams)

is a great food for upping your Zinc levels because ounce for ounce it has more zinc than many other foods. Some other foods on this list may have more Zinc, but it’s unlikely that you would eat very much of that food in one sitting, like pumpkin seeds. But a nice serving of steak will go a long way in the Zinc for that day.
Serving  (100 grams), Zinc (4.18 milligrams), 257 calories.


Salmon often ranks on lists of the healthiest foods you can eat, and for good reason. It’s high in omega-3s and is an excellent source of protein, which is why it can help out dieters across a wide range of different diet strategies. It may not be a Zinc powerhouse like some of the other foods listed here, but it can serve to help add to your total daily intake, which is the overall goal. 
Serving Size (100 grams), Zinc (0.64 milligram

 Brown rice 
is always a good substitute for white rice, because it has a lower Glycemic Index score, has more potassium, more magnesium, more selenium, and fewer carbohydrates. We’ve seen higher Zinc counts in other foods, but the likelihood of eating a 100 gram serving of brown rice is pretty doable. That’s why it makes a great side to any meat dish.
Serving Size (100 grams), Zinc (2.07 milligrams), 117 calories.

Pork is not the healthiest meat you can choose, and is not as high a quality protein as lean beef, chicken breast, or turkey breast, but it still contains Zinc in large amounts, and lean pork still has some health benefits and can’t be written off entirely. Always choose pork that is organic, to avoid the antibiotics and other chemicals that are injected into and fed to conventionally raised pigs. 

Serving (100 gr), Zinc (6.72 milligrams), 177 calories.
