Zinc Health benefits
Zinc Deficiency accentuates copper excess
Zinc Deficiency accentuates copper excess
Controlling Copper
Copper is an essential trace mineral, needed only in small amounts. It works in a paired relationship with zinc, sometimes in complement and sometimes opposing.
Zinc is responsible for healthy immune function, protein and energy production, and enzymatic activity.
Zinc is also responsible for helping glucose metabolism convert sugars into ATP (adenosine-tri-phosphate). Without enough zinc, excessive glucose is stored in cells and can become food for yeast.
Copper is present in most foods, and is also absorbed from the environment.4,5 When zinc is present in abundance, and when there is enough quality protein available to bind it, copper can be handled freely, and the excess can be readily excreted trough the bile.7,8
When the diet is lacking in zinc and protein — and in fats to promote bile production — use of high-copper foods, and our water, promote buildup of copper in our tissues.
Copper is an essential trace mineral, needed only in small amounts. It works in a paired relationship with zinc, sometimes in complement and sometimes opposing.
Zinc is responsible for healthy immune function, protein and energy production, and enzymatic activity.
Zinc is also responsible for helping glucose metabolism convert sugars into ATP (adenosine-tri-phosphate). Without enough zinc, excessive glucose is stored in cells and can become food for yeast.
Copper is present in most foods, and is also absorbed from the environment.4,5 When zinc is present in abundance, and when there is enough quality protein available to bind it, copper can be handled freely, and the excess can be readily excreted trough the bile.7,8
When the diet is lacking in zinc and protein — and in fats to promote bile production — use of high-copper foods, and our water, promote buildup of copper in our tissues.
SO, By reducing copper foods, you are allowing copper elimination.
Healing Foods
Fish does not contain great amounts of either copper or zinc but although eggs contain only .7 mg zinc per egg, their ratio of 7 to 1 zinc to copper is nearly ideal, and eggs are rich in many nutrients needed to aid detoxification.
Red meats are among the most warming foods, and pork is especially good for the spleen. These proteins are richest and best assimilated sources of zinc.
Restoring Fat Metabolism
Vitamins A and D in animal fats are essential for the absorption of minerals. SO Improve fat digestion to begin to eliminate copper, and embrace the full range of healthy natural fats,
MEAT AND EGGS are The only foods that have an adequate amount of Zinc which can help eliminate Copper toxicity.
This is why many vegetarians have Copper toxicity and Zinc bio-unavailability to some degree.
It is always best to buy Organic, Free-Range Chicken and Grass fed BEEF is the best in order to get the most nutrition without any toxic residues of antibiotics, pesticides or growth hormones.
The structure of growth hormones are very similar to that of Estrogen, and Meat that is raised on these hormones and pesticides will increase the rate of Copper retention in the body.
Copper Toxicity Treatment
The main thing to do is to increase Zinc and Magnesium levels to calm the mind and nervous system. Taking Zinc alone can cause serious side effects as Zinc and will cause a Copper detox as the body dumps this excess copper and Mercury and other heavy metals from the tissues. This can cause rashes and flu-like symptoms. Zinc will also lower Sodium levels which may make you feel extremely tired.
Your Liver's ability to produce the Copper and metal binding proteins Ceruloplasmin, Metallothionein, Glutathione, Ferritin and other are very important. SO by balancing your mineral levels and Adrenal glands,
Zinc levels and bio-availability will rise, and the Liver will be able to produce adequate amoounts of Ceruloplasmin, Glutathione and Metallothioneine, which will help eliminate the Copper toxicity and also make the Copper available to the cells that need it.
What to eat with Copper Toxicity
Eat more foods that are high in zinc
- Beef
- Lamb
- Chicken
- Eggs
- Pumpkin seeds
Epsom salt pulls out heavy metals.
Chlorella can be helpfull too.
Being a vegetarian increases your chances of copper toxicity and makes it impossible to overcome, because it is so high in copper and low in zinc. adrenal health.
Being a vegetarian increases your chances of copper toxicity and makes it impossible to overcome, because it is so high in copper and low in zinc. adrenal health.
Avoid foods high in copper
- chocolate
- wheat
- coffee
- avocados
- leafy greens
- coconut
- sunflower seeds
- sesame seeds
- organ meats like liver
- Dairy doesn’t add copper but it does contribute to depleting your zinc levels and throwing your copper-zinc ratio further out of whack.
- It is especially detrimental to copper toxicity when dairy is eaten with foods high in phytates.
Copper should be always bound to certain protein molecules in the blood and elsewhere.
These copper binding proteins, grab onto the free or unbound copper in the blood and safely transport it to the liver, kidneys and elsewhere. They include ceruloplasmin, metallothionein and perhaps others as well.
The sulfur-containing amino acids found in eggs and meats are helpful for removing copper, for example.
If a lot of copper is dumped into the blood at once, the body may not have enough binding proteins available to handle it, free or unbound copper floats through the blood, damaging tissues and organs.
Our bodies use copper to help control the growth of yeast. This may be because copper favors aerobic metabolism, the type of cellular metabolism that human beings should have. More specifically, copper, along with iron, is required for the electron transport system, where most of our cellular energy is produced.
In contrast, yeasts and fungi are anaerobic. This means they ferment sugars for their energy production. Thus, when copper is not available to the body in sufficient quantity, aerobic or normal oxygen-using metabolism is crippled to some degree, while anaerobic metabolism or the fermentation of sugars flourishes in such an environment.
For this reason, for example, copper sulfate is often sprayed on crops to kill yeast and fungus. Copper is also used in some swimming pools and hot tubs to control yeast and bacterial growth.
As the copper is removed, usually the candida problem just goes away on its own without any other therapy.
If a lot of copper is eliminated quickly, it could cause a shift in candida symptoms, such as more gas and bloating, some brain fog or other physical or emotional symptoms associated with candida or other yeast infections.
Copper & vitamin C are direct antagonists.
This is one reason many people feel better taking a lot of vitamin C.
Copper tends to oxidize and destroy vitamin C in the body, but vitamin C removes copper from the body.
500 mg daily, far higher than the minimum daily requirement of about 60 mg.
A copper deficiency also causes connective tissue problems. Zinc, vitamin C and manganese tend to cause more symptoms, because zinc and manganese replace copper in the liver.
Also drinking more water can promote copper elimination. Molybdenum, bile acids, laxative herbs and vitamin B6 may also mitigate elimination symptoms.
Zinc is an important mineral for the body. Adult males needs 11 milligrams of Zinc each day, and females 8 milligrams. Keep in mind that this is cumulative throughout the day, so you shouldn’t try to meet that requirement in one sitting, or with one food.
Zinc deficiency
Today most people are deficient in zinc. The reason for this is refined sugar, white rice and white flour have been stripped of their zinc.
A deficiency of zinc causes the build up of copper in the tissues as copper is used instead of zinc for enzyme reactions.
Zinc is needed for the proper immune response. A proper immune response is required to fight off candida and keep it under control.
The vegetarian diet is very high in copper. Nuts, beans, seeds and grains are very high in copper. Meat contains copper, but the ratio of copper to zinc is more balanced.
Zinc competes for the absorption of copper in the gut, so this will prevent so much copper from being absorbed into the body.
Drink water
We know we should be drinking 8 glasses of water a day, but When trying to detox from copper it is important to drink even more. The water in our body helps to get the copper mobile and moving through the detox pathways.
Increase copper antagonists
These are minerals that help rebalance copper, excrete copper. The main copper antagonists are manganese, vitamin B, C and E, sulphur, selenium and molybdenum.
Tomatoes | 1 cup | 32.4 | 9.00 | 20 | 11.1 | excellent |
Cucumber | 1 cup | 15.6 | 5.20 | 12 | 13.3 | excellent |
Celery | 1 cup | 16.2 | 5.05 | 11 | 12.5 | excellent |
Romaine Lettuce | 2 cups | 16.0 | 5.64 | 13 | 14.1 | excellent |
Eggs | 1 each | 77.5 | 8.50 | 19 | 4.4 | very good |
Support the immune system, balance the intestinal environment, and inhibit the growth of pathogenic organisms like Candida albacans. These beneficial bacteria help the body to produce vitamins, digest foods, and control overgrowth of bad bacteria and fungus.
Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
effectively maintain and establish a healthy microflora balance, while discouraging the growth of opportunistic
pathogens, such as Candida yeast, E.coli.
They help maintain a proper pH balance in the small intestine.
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